Monday Musings

  • Biblio-Anthro Midterm Examination 011215

    The following article shall be the basis of the midterm examination for Bibliology-Anthropology: The Bible So Misunderstood It’s a Sin Instructions are as discussed in class (January 12, 2015). ***************************** Note: A hard copy of the article, sans pictures and advertisements, shall be provided at the photocopy section of the library. (Just in case.)

  • A Sensible Voice in a Sea of Insanity

    …at least for me. (And so it should be for you.)

  • What I Want for Christmas 2015

    I initially wanted to title this post, Hey, It Worked Last Time! (Grins.) Anyway, below are two amazing figures from NECA, the company that seems to never go wrong in producing the most excellent toys and figures. The first one is Adam West’s Batman from 1966 (Bam! Pow!) and the second is Michael Keaton’s version…

  • Random Thoughts this December 23, 2013

    Officially, it’s two days before Christmas. There have been so many things going on lately, in the personal sphere, in the social sphere, and everywhere else. With so many things going on, the following thoughts have crept into my head. Some are “Christmassy” in nature, some are just developing musings, but all are rather random,…

  • My Preaching Wish List

    I got this little gem from, in an article that was a summary of one chapter from Steve Lawson’s John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, and Doxology. I believe the list is a good guide to all preachers and aspiring preachers.  Where do you see yourself here? John Calvin’s preaching was biblical in its substance.…

  • May Elections 2013

    I joined the millions of my fellow countrymen today as we all trooped to the voting precincts to exercise our right to vote. Every election seems to be an adventure in itself. (See the pictures below.) The two pictures immediately below might make you think we were made to parade around in a line to…

  • Nothing Much…

    …except to say that my beloved M and I attended a wedding last Saturday. The ceremonies were nice, the food was good, but the emcee really murdered the English language. I think I spent almost half the reception time with my head in my hands. (The other half of the reception time I spent eating,…

  • It’s About Time (Manic Monday, 121012)

    It finally happened. I know that I’m going to get a lot of flak for even mentioning this, but I am very glad that Manny Pacquiao lost his last fight. Please don’t misunderstand, folks. I am not happy that he got beaten almost to a pulp (a bit of hyperbole there) nor that he is representative…

  • Was Winnie the Pooh a Good Muslim? (Monday Musings 043012)

    Here’s another good read: The opening paragraph reads: “In recent years a growing trend among many Muslims has been to make the claim that Jesus was a ‘good Muslim’. Others have described him as ‘a prophet of Islam’. Their method has been simple: by mining the New Testament Gospels they have sought to show that Jesus…

  • My Pet Peeves (Monday Musings 042312)

    First, what is a pet peeve? Wikipedia defines a pet peeve as a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying, to a greater degree as others may find it. In other words, these are actions that I may find annoying but may be perfectly appropriate for others. Here’s a list of my pet…